Strengthen the men's power! Something about the power

Books Vitaly Ostrovsky gained fame not so long ago. This was the video blog of the writer, who in just two years has acquired more than half a million subscribers. And video folk healer Vitaly Ostrovsky has viewed more than 10 million people in our country and neighboring countries. This video-conference Ostrovsky popularity brought him and his books.


Biography Of Vitaly Ostrovsky

But as the biography of Vitaly Ostrovsky, we have to know it, not so much. According to their own statements that he was born in 1955 in the Russian interior. What is your educational background and where he worked is not known, and, in fact, Vitaly Semenovich not willing to divulge this information. We only know that he moved to Moscow, where he lives currently. Also, at the request of the writer is a member of the International Royal Academy of the UN, with the rank of honor herbalist. Although many doubt the identity of the organization of the united nations and its very substantial. And you have such titles as honorable herbalist is not credible. But Yes, the research on this topic has not been made, a reason to not trust Vitaly Semenovich Ostrovsky we have.

Vitaliy Ostrovsky gained fame via his video blog. The first record of it dated back to January of 2016. This date can be considered as the starting point to the growing popularity of Travnik. Although at the time of the first book came out Vitaly Ostrovsky's "Guarantee of health". But we still find this book only on the website of the writer and their social networks. In any bookstore Vitaly Ostrovsky books are not represented. However, the participation in the conferences of the healer was growing like a snowball. In the end, at the moment you can find several hundreds of videos Ostrovsky on a variety of topics related to health. Increased the number of books Vitaly Ostrovsky: "Strengthen the men's power! Something about the power," "the cleansing of the body with the gifts of nature", "Self-practicing", which can be found on their website. And considering its growing popularity, we will soon see a new book by Ostrovsky and possibly popular Internet resources.